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Aunt Annie's parenting page

Welcome to Aunt Annie's Parenting Page!

Before you take any of my advice, you should read my philosophy in this post:

So what's this thing called parenthood?


Help- my child is being bullied!

When your daughter thinks she's fat

Prejudice in preschoolers: talking about different types of families

Gifted preschoolers


A letter to my teenage self

A jug of wine and thou, in the wilderness of parenting

Why I don't use baby talk

Helping with homework, or letting your child fail?

What makes a parent resilient?

The long wet summer holidays

The myth of the perfect parent

Talking to kids about death

Are our kids getting ruder?

Moving house with children

Naming your baby: it's not about YOU!

Tidy room v creative chaos

Measuring excellence in your child's teachers

Teacher-bashers: the dangers of over-supporting your child

Teaching children to think for themselves: subject choice

Sexualising children isn't funny

Children who sue their parents

'Tis the season to be... a little more thoughtful

Why I won't do Hallowe'en

Bert, Ernie and homophobia- is it an issue? 

Is my little boy gay? He likes girls' toys!

Three things I wish my parents had taught me

The parent as cab driver: after-school activity overload

The 7 Deadly Sins of Daycare Parenting

First day at daycare: let's get it right!


Happy Families is a card game 

Modelling happiness: broken families

Fighting with your ex: a child's view

On not being a Wicked Stepmother

Only children rock, part 1: Myths

Only children rock, part 2: Bringing up baby (singular)


Obedience does not equal respect

Don't drown in your child's gene pool

Insight into a mother-daughter relationship

Teaching your children life skills

Stop the pregnancy, I want to get off!

Not feeling the love: when we can't connect with a child

Being in the zone with babies 

Stop saving me!

Coping with toddlers joyfully

The value of taking tantrums seriously

Being a role model: a 24/7 challenge

Breaking the nagging cycle

Helping your child hear praise and gratitude

Remembering adolescence

Lessons from The Slap: My child is perfect... or not

Parenting without slavery

Parenting your own inner child

Useless words to strike from your vocabulary

Where does the 'I' go in parenting? Thoughts on 'To Train Up a Child' and other misplaced methods

Children's rational fears

Children's irrational fears

All about sleeping

All about eating

All about appearances- you're not leaving the house wearing that!!

Smacking- let's stop pretending

How to stop kids whining

How to say no, respectfully


Coping with criticism of our parenting philosophy

5 ways to keep dads engaged in parenting

Caught in a clash of parenting philosophies? 3 steps to sanity

How do you handle PARENTS?

Toxic mothers


What will your kid's childhood memories be?

Reflecting on your children's environment

Parent awareness and childcare

Teaching resilience