This page has links to all my activity suggestions, original children's stories and music ideas, plus thoughts on play-based learning philosophy.
Note that several of the blog posts appear under more than one heading, because my posts can have many parts; sometimes you'll have to search through the post for what you want. Enjoy!
Relationships with other parents and carers
Changing people's minds about ways of caring for children
Rainy day play
Making story time engaging
Putting on a show
How to run a great mat time
Cleaning Mr Crocodile's teeth
Social skills: anger management
Story-writing for preschoolers- yes, they can do this!
Engaging little boys with literature
Open-ended use of stencils (the dreaded multiple-copy worksheet)
How to extend children's play
Road safety activities
Including music in your activities
Observing babies' play
Taking risks, making rules
Breaking clean-up time into manageable pieces
Cultural and inclusion awareness
Aboriginal story and activities for NAIDOC Week
Boys who play with 'feminine' toys
Anti-discrimination story for Valentine's Day
The Easter Story, without religious bias
Aboriginal song 'Inanay'
Aspergers/ASD inclusion story
Prejudice-busting stories about different family structures (sexual preference/gender identity)
Thoughts on Mothers' Day
Music and songs
Why it's worth including music
Bumblebee funny handwashing song
Crossing the road song
Early childhood music for non-musicians (including transition songs)
Free stories and scripts
Sleeping Beauty- a play
Sorry Day- Australian history for preschoolers
Valentine's Day inclusion story- same sex relationships
Puppet show script: dental hygiene
Puppet show script: anger management
The Easter Story for mixed religion groups (JUST the story, no pressure to believe)
Being Friends with Bodie Finch- an ASD inclusion story
Two family structure inclusion stories- one with transgender parent, one with same sex parents
Talking about death: a story
Early Childhood philosophy
Water play
Learning from children
Thinking about risky play
What children learn through physical risks
Including our own culture
Interpreting the EYLF and play-based learning
Stencils are not the Devil Incarnate
The best thing about play-based learning
Play-based learning is not a free-for-all!
Why you should stop 'saving' children
Thoughts about the learning environment
The importance of risky play- and some unexpected benefits
What we want for our children- is the EYLF the answer?